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What is Expression in programming

An expression is the part of a statement or a line of code which returns a value

It can be a combination of one or more constants, variables, functions, and operators that the programming language interprets (or evaluates) to return a value

The resulting value of an expression is usually one of various primitive types, such as numerical, string, boolean or complex data type like lists

Consider following example javascript code

 function ncx() {
    var x;
    x = "seventeen";
    var y = 17 + 2;
    x = y;
    x = x + 17 + 2 * math.sqrt(17);
    return x;

In the statement x = "seventeen", the value "seventeen" is the expression

In var y = 17 + 2, 17 + 2 is the expression

In x = y, y is the expression

In x = x + 17 + 2 * math.sqrt(17);, x + 17 + 2 * math.sqrt(17) is the expression

Also in the same statement, x, 17, 2 * math.sqrt(17) etc can be considered as separate expressions

In the statement ncx();, ncx() can be considered as an expression, although its return value is not used


Variables and functions used in an expression are evaluated to get their values, which can be primitive or complex

Numbers, strings, booleans etc are primitive data-types, which are defined by the programming language

Languages also define data-types called as complex datatypes, like a list(of primitive data-types and/or complex data-types) and map(or dict)