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Programming Thread

What is a function in Programming

A function is a sequence of instructions or a block of statements that performs a specific task

These instructions or statements can also include call to other functions (or the same function)

Typically, function is used to group repetitive code or statements so that they can be called as a unit with a single statement

A function of a program can be thought of, as analogous to a function of a human body

For example when a person picks something with their hands then that person is performing the function of picking_something()

Similarly, a program can have a function of picking a file from a folder

Following is a simple function in Python, which takes a number, divides it by 2 and returns the value

def half(x):
    return x/2

The above example only defines the function with a parameter x (which is a variable)

This function has to be called or executed, similar to a person being told to pick something, which can be a book or a phone

Following code calls the above defined function with different values


Above calls to the function returns values based on each input to the function

Now, if these values are to be displayed to the user when the program is run, then another function has to be used

In Python, this can be done with print() function, which is a built-in function of Python

def half(x):
    return x/2


Assuming the above code is saved to a file named as then the program can be run to display the returned values like


Types of Functions

Predefined or Built in Functions

Predefined functions are shipped with a programming language, and are of a wide-range in major programming languages

Eg: print() function of Python

User-Defined Functions

Functions can also be defined by a programmer

Eg: half() function defined above

Function parameter or arguments

Parameters are variables, used in a function which are provided as input to function when called

The behaviour of a function can depend on the parameters accepted by it

A function might be defined to accept zero, one or more parameters

Both print() function and half() functions mentioned above take parameters