A function is a block of organized, reusable code/statements that is used to perform a specific, related task
As a program grows larger, functions make it more organized and manageable
Furthermore, it avoids repetition and makes code reusable
Basically, functions can be divided into the following two types:
Defining a function gives it a name, specifies the parameters that are to be included in the function and structures the blocks of code
def function_name( parameters ):
return [expression]
Function blocks begin with the keyword def followed by the function name and parentheses ( )
Function naming follows the same rules of writing identifiers in Python
Any input parameter, through which values are passed to a function, should be placed within the parentheses
Parameters are optional
A colon (:) marks the end of function header
The first statement of a function can be an optional documentation string to describe what the function does (called as docstring)
One or more valid python statements make up the function body
The code block within every function is indented (usually 4 spaces)
An empty pass
statement can also be used as a placeholder
The optional return [expression] statement exits a function, optionally passing back an expression to the caller
A return statement with no arguments is same as return None
Parameters have a positional behavior and are supposed to be passed in the same order as they were defined, unless their keywords are provided (see Keyword arguments)
The following function takes a string as input parameter and prints it on console (terminal screen)
def print_str(string):
"This prints the string passed into this function"
THe print()
function prints (displays) any string(s), passed to it as parameter(s), on the screen
Once a function is defined, it can be called from another function, program or from the Python prompt
To call a function, the function name is typed along parentheses (with parameters inside, if present)
def print_function():
print("Hello from a function")
Following example defines and calls print_str() function
# Function definition
def print_str( string ):
"This prints a passed string into this function"
# Now print_str function can be called
print_str("First call to user defined print_str function ")
print_str("Second call to the same function")
Assuming the above code is saved in a file program.py, it can be executed to produce following output :
$ python program.py
First call to user defined print_str function
Second call to the same function
Statement return
statement is used to exit a function and go back to the place from where it was called
The statement return [expression] exits a function, optionally passing back an expression to the caller
If there is no expression in the statement or if the return
statement is not present inside a function, then the function returns None
return [expression_list]
This statement can contain expression which gets evaluated and the value is returned
A value can be returned from a function as follows :
# Function definition is here
def sum(arg1, arg2 ):
""" Return sum of parameters passed"""
return arg1 + arg2
# Now sum function can be called to retrieve sum of numbers passed as parameters
print(sum(10, 20))
print(sum(-100, 20))
When above code is executed, it produces following output:
Information can be passed to functions as parameter
A function can be defined to take multiple parameters as input, separated by comma
Parameters are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses
The following example has a function with one parameter - fn
When the function is called, a string denoting a first name is passed, which is used inside the function to print the full name :
def print_name(fn):
print(fn + " Nerfit")
Output :
Erik Nerfit
Botisa Nerfit
Linus Nerfit
Unlike some languages, there is no requirement to mention the type of argument (like string, integer), since Python handles it dynamically
A function can be called by using following types of formal arguments
Required arguments are the arguments passed to a function in the same positional order as that of function definition
The number of arguments in the function call should contain all required arguments
To call function printme(), one argument has to be passed, otherwise it gives a syntax error as follows :
# Function definition is here
def printme( str ):
"This prints a passed string into this function"
# Now you can call printme function
When above code is executed, it produces following output :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 11, in <module>
TypeError: printme() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
A Function can have a default value associated with a parameter
If the function is called without any value for that parameter, then it uses the default value
def is_integer(number = 0):
if (type(number) == int):
print(number, " is an integer")
print(number, " is not an integer")
10 is an integer
0 is an integer
0.1 is not an integer
A function might be required to accept additional arguments than the default arguments
These arguments are called variable-length arguments and are not named in the function definition, unlike required and default arguments
Syntax for a function with non-keyword variable arguments is as follows :
def function_name([formal_args,] *var_args_tuple ):
return [expression]
An asterisk (*) is placed before the variable name that holds the values of all non-keyword variable arguments
This tuple remains empty if no additional arguments are specified during the function call
Following is a simple example :
# Function to print variable length arguments is defined
def print_args(arg1, *vartuple):
print("arg1 is: ", arg1)
print("tuple is: ", vartuple)
# Now you can call print_args function
print("Function call with 10 as argument")
print("Function call with 70, 60, 50 as arguments")
When the above code is executed, it produces the following output:
Function call with 10 as argument
arg1 is: 10
tuple is: None
Function call with 70, 60, 50 as arguments
arg1 is: 70
tuple is: (60, 50)
Functions can be called by using parameter names as keywords to assign values to the arguments during function call itself
This allows you to skip (default) arguments or place them out of order while calling a function
Example to call print_args function by using parameter names name and age to assign their values
# Function definition is here
def print_args( name, age ):
"This prints a passed info into this function"
print("Name: ", name)
print("Age ", age)
# Now you can call print_args function
print_args( age=50, name="miki")
When above code is executed, it produces following output:
Name: miki
Age 50
Functions accept lists as parameter
Following example defines a function which takes a list as a parameter, and prints each element of the list :
def print_function(food_list):
for x in food_list:
dinner = ["whisky", "peanuts", "pepper"]
Output :
Values of any data type can be sent to a function (string, number, list, dictionary etc.) for any parameter, since there is no type checking
A string can also be passed to the function mentioned above :
def print_function(food_list):
for x in food_list:
dinner = "bullet"
Output :
This worked since strings can be iterated upon
The function can be called with a number, in which case the iteration code throws exception
All parameters (arguments) in Python are passed by reference
Thus, if value of a python object is altered within a function, then the change also gets reflected outside the function
This happens until the object is assigned to another value within the function (since the reference is overwritten and the object loses its initial reference, within the function)
For example :
# Define function which alters data
def alter_data(input_list):
print("Value of list inside alter_data() function: ", input_list)
# A list is initialized
example_list = [10,20,30]
# alter_data function can be called on the list, which appends data and prints the updated list inside the function
print("Value of list outside: ", example_list)
# Define function which updates the list passed as argument, assigns it to a new list and then updates the new list
def change_reference(input_list):
input_list = [11, 14, 18]
print("Value of list inside change_reference() function: ", input_list)
print("Value of list outside, after change_reference() function: ", example_list)
This should produce the following output when executed :
Value of list inside alter_data() function: [10, 20, 30, [1, 2, 3, 4]]
Value of list outside: [10, 20, 30, [1, 2, 3, 4]]
Value of list inside change_reference() function: [11, 14, 18, 25]
Value of list outside, after change_reference() function: [10, 20, 30, [1, 2, 3, 4], 5]
Scope of a variable is the portion of a program where the variable is recognized and accessible
Parameters and variables defined inside a function is not visible from outside, and hence, they have a local scope
Lifetime of a variable is the period throughout which the variable exits in the memory
The lifetime of variables inside a function is as long as the function executes, and are destroyed after execution
Example to illustrate the scope of a variable inside a function :
x = 30
function change_value():
x = 20
print("Value of x inside function: ", x)
print("Value of x outside function: ", x)
Output :
Value of x inside function: 20
Value of x outside function: 30
Here, even though the function change_value()
changed the value of x to 20, it did not effect the value outside the function
This is because the variable x inside the function is different (local to the function) from the one outside, although they have same names
Variables outside of the function have a global scope and are visible from inside, where they can be read but not changed
x = 30
function print_value():
print("Value of x inside function : ", x)
print("Value of x outside function: ", x)
x = 50
Output :
Value of x inside function: 30
Value of x outside function: 30
Value of x inside function: 50
In order to modify the value of variables declared outside the function, they must be declared as global variables inside a function, using the keyword global
A recursive function is one which calls itself
# Define a recursive function to return the factorial of a number
def factorial(n):
if n > 1:
return n * factorial(n-1)
return 1
# print factorial of 10
These functions are called anonymous because they are not declared in the standard manner by using the def keyword
Instead, the lambda
keyword is used to create small anonymous functions
lamda functions are assigned to a variable which can then be called as a function
The syntax of lambda functions contains only a single statement, which is as follows -
lambda [arg1 [,arg2,.....argn]]: expression
Following example shows how lambda form of function works :
# Function definition is here
sum = lambda arg1, arg2: arg1 + arg2;
# Now you can call sum as a function
print("Value of total : ", sum(10,20))
print("Value of total : ", sum(20,20))
When the above code is executed, it produces the following output :
Value of total : 30
Value of total : 40
ⓘ More about lambda The first string after the function header is called the docstring and is short for documentation string
It is used to explain in brief, what a function does
Although optional, documentation is considered a good programming practice
Generally triple quotes are used so that docstring can extend up to multiple lines
This string can be accessed with __doc__
attribute of a function
For example:
Try running the following into the Python shell to see the output
def str_length(string):
"""This function returns the length of string passed as parameter"""
return len(string)
This function greets to the person passed into the name parameter