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React Native Checkbox

React Native Custom Checkbox Component App

Checkbox component is deprecated

Custom checkbox can be implemented as a React native component which stores a boolean representative of whether it is checked, and is rendered as a TouchableHighlight component

Creating new React Native App

Check React Native Installation for installation related info

Use react-native init command to create a new React Native project (here named NcCheckboxApp)

react-native init NcCheckboxApp

This creates a directory named NcCheckboxApp and initializes it as a react native application directory

This can be skipped in case an existing react native project is being integrated into


A check image is used for denoting checked state of a Checkbox checked functionality

download check image and put inside NcCheckboxApp (project directory)


The Checkbox component has following props

  1. label: Text to be displayed as label for checkbox
  2. key: A key or identifier (string)
  3. value: An associated value
  4. selectedItemsArray: An array, accessible by the caller class (default export class), which stores some attributes of a checkbox component based on whether its checked
  5. checked : boolean values
  6. size : size of checkbox component
  7. color : color of checkbox
  8. labelColor : checkbox label color

constructor() in default export App class declares

constructor() {
    selectedItems = [];
    this.state = { selectedItemsString: '' }

App code

Code for App.js file

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Alert, Image, Platform, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableHighlight, View } from 'react-native';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

// custom checkbox component class
class Checkbox extends Component {

  constructor() {
    this.state = { checked: null }

  // based on 'checked' state value, call pushItem() function of SelectedItems class using props
  componentDidMount() {
    if (this.props.checked) {
      this.setState({ checked: true }, () => {
          'key': this.props.key,
          'label': this.props.label,
          'value': this.props.value
    else {
      this.setState({ checked: false });

  // to manage the checkbox checked and unchecked state and also insert values in array when checkbox is checked
  toggleState(key, label, value) {
    this.setState({ checked: !this.state.checked }, () => {
      if (this.state.checked) {
        this.props.selectedItemsArray.push({ 'key': key, 'label': label, 'value': value });
      else {
        this.props.selectedItemsArray.splice(this.props.selectedItemsArray.findIndex(x => x.key == key), 1);

  // Creating Checkbox view using TouchableHighlight component
  render() {
    return (
        onPress={this.toggleState.bind(this, this.props.key, this.props.label, this.props.value)}
        style={{ marginVertical: 10 }}>
        <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>
          <View style={{ width: this.props.size, height: this.props.size, backgroundColor: this.props.color, padding: 3 }}>
                (<View style={styles.checkedView}>
                  <Image source={require('./assets/check.png')} style={styles.checkBoxImage} />
                (<View style={styles.uncheckedView} />)
          <Text style={[styles.checkBoxLabelText, { color: this.props.labelColor }]}>{this.props.label}</Text>

export default class App extends Component {

  constructor() {
    selectedItems = [];
    this.state = { selectedItemsString: '' }

  // This function gets called on button on-press event to retrieve selected checkbox values and store in selectedItemsString state
  getSelectedItems = () => {
    items = "";
    if (selectedItems.length > 0) {
        items = => item.value).join();
    else { Alert.alert('No Items Selected!'); }
    this.setState(() => {
      return {
        selectedItemsString: items

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>

        <Checkbox size={30}
          label="Item #1"
          value="item_1" />

        <Checkbox size={35}
          label="Item #2"
          value="item_2" />

        <Checkbox size={40}
          label="Item #3"
          value="item_3" />

        <TouchableHighlight underlayColor="#000" style={styles.selectedItemsButton} onPress={this.getSelectedItems}>
          <Text style={styles.selectedItemsButtonText}>Get Selected Items</Text>

        <Text style={{ fontSize: 20, color: "#000", marginTop: 20 }}> {this.state.selectedItemsString} </Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
      paddingTop: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? 20 : 0,
      flex: 1,
      padding: 20,
      justifyContent: 'center',
      alignItems: 'center'
    selectedItemsButton: {
      marginTop: 25,
      padding: 8,
      backgroundColor: '#2962FF',
      alignSelf: 'stretch'
    selectedItemsButtonText: {
      color: 'white',
      textAlign: 'center',
      alignSelf: 'stretch',
      fontSize: 18
    checkedView: {
      flex: 1,
      justifyContent: 'center',
      alignItems: 'center'
    checkBoxImage: {
      height: '80%',
      width: '80%',
      tintColor: 'white',
      resizeMode: 'contain'
    uncheckedView: {
      flex: 1,
      backgroundColor: 'white'
    checkBoxLabelText: {
      fontSize: 16,
      paddingLeft: 10

// Defining props default values and their data holder type
Checkbox.propTypes = {
  size: PropTypes.number,
  key: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  selectedItemsArray: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
  color: PropTypes.string,
  label: PropTypes.string,
  labelColor: PropTypes.string,
  value: PropTypes.string,
  checked: PropTypes.bool

Checkbox.defaultProps = {
  size: 30,
  color: '#636c72',
  labelColor: '636c72',
  label: 'Default',
  checked: false,
  value: 'Default'

Run instructions

Running in Android

cd into project directory (here NcCheckboxApp)

cd NcCheckboxApp

Run metro server to serve js

react-native start

Go to project directory in another terminal tab

Enter following run command for Android:

react-native run-android

Running in ios

cd into project directory (here NcCheckboxApp)

cd NcCheckboxApp

Enter following command :

react-native run-ios

This might take some time

If the app shows error about metro server not configured (check Running an App in iOS), then run metro server in another tab:

react-native start

Reload the app

Re-run react-native run-ios command if reloading doesn't work
