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Networking and Geolocation in React Native Android/iOS Applications

Since React Native is a javascript framework, http requests can be made using fetch() function or other javascript alternatives

fetch() can be used to fetch data from the internet and facilitate authentication and other networking functionalities

Module for retrieving location of an user and listening to updates of location is available as npm package

Applications related to Networking and Geolocation

Following are some React Native Android/iOS applications involved with networking, geolocation and webview


Using connectivity package, React Native Apps can discover network connectivity and configure themselves accordingly

It also distinguishes whether connection is cellular or WiFi connection type

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Network Connectivity application code

Device Location

Latitude Longitude of Current Location of Device can be retrieved in react native using Geolocation.watchPosition() method of react-native-geolocation-service package

It can also be used to listen to location change events

Platform: Android & iOS


Check React Native Device Location application code

Rest Api

Check provided React Native application which makes a Rest Api call and displays some data retrieved as response

Platform: Android & iOS


Check React Native Rest Api application code


How To Get Data From An API With React Native

Find User's Location Using React Native