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Flutter Navigation

Have any application which doesn't provide options to navigate? Why not just create one and keep it?

Navigation involves linking different screens or pages of an application

Following example applications are some options to provide navigation in a Flutter application

Applications with Navigation

Following are some Navigation related applications

Bottom Navigation

Bottom navigation, here, refers to a Tab displayed at the bottom which allows to navigate to different screens

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Bottom Navigation application

Curved Navigation

In Curved navigation, the tab bar is animated with animationCurve to indicate change in selected button or tab

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Curved Navigation application

Navigation Drawer

A navigation drawer is a UI panel which displays a menu typically containing the primary navigation options for an application

The drawer is hidden by default and appears when a user touches any visible drawer icon or through a gesture like swipe

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Navigation Drawer application


Tabs allow to group content according to some criteria which can be a factor for smooth user experience

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Tabs Application


A Viewpager allows to view the pages of an application by scrolling horizontally or vertically

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Viewpager Application example code
