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Flutter Storage and Database

Check alternative options of implementing local storage in Flutter Android/iOS applications and their code

Using local storage to store app data helps in providing offline content in an application so that it can function offline

Applications with Storage and Database

Following are some applications implementing local storage and database

State Persistence

States are typically stored in local storage so that a user's activity on an application can appear to be persistent

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter State Persistence application code

Shared Preferences

Shared Preferences are used to save and retrieve data of basic data types like integer, float, boolean, string etc, in the form of key-value pairs

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Shared Preferences application code

Json Storage

An application might require local storage to store information about user's activity and/or profile

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Json Storage application code

Cache Storage

Cache storage make use of Application Files directory in Android and Documents directory in iOS to store and retrieve files and enable storage of complex data types when compared to shared preferences and json storage

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Cache Storage Application code

Local Database - SQFlite

SQFlite is a plugin used in flutter to perform database operations for both Andoid and IOS apps

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Local Database Application code

Videos related to Flutter storage and Database

Flutter SDK Tutorial - JSON Storage

Database Storage in Flutter using Sqflite