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Flutter Input Applications

Taking input from user in Flutter Android/iOS Application

Check following applications which facilitate take input from user like TextField, FilePicker, ImagePicker, DatePicker and videos

Validation can be done to FormField like Textfield using simple regex validator

Flutter Applications for user input

File Picker Application

An external package can be used to enable reading files from an Android or iOS device

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter File Picker Application

Image Picker

An external Flutter package can be used to facilitate image uploads from an Android or iOS device

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Image Picker Application


Check Flutter application which provides date picker and time picker widgets with Material and Cupertino styled appearance

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Date Picker Application

Searchable Dropdown

A Searchable dropdown provides options which can be selected and an input field to search and narrow down the options

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Searchable Dropdown Application

Form Validation

Form validation in Flutter can be implemented using simple regex validators

Platform: Android & iOS


Check Flutter Form Validation Application


Text Input

Reading and Writing Files in Flutter